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Cheap Hotels & Hotel Booking

If you're looking for cheap hotels and the easiest online hotel booking experience around, you've come to the right place. Whether you're travelling for business or leisure, lets you compare and book hotels online at great low prices. We offer a huge range of hotel deals from three star budget accommodations to luxury hotels, from business hotels to romantic seaside retreats. 
Save time and money with our customer-friendly booking engine that guarantees to give you the best price for your hotel room. Whatever your destination, with over 321,000 hotels in our catalogue, you are guaranteed to find the perfect hotel at Expedia. Book top hotels in city destinations like Singapore, Hong Kong, London or Vancouver and find great hotel bargains on holiday resorts in Australia, Thailand and France. If you'd prefer to stay closer to home, Expedia also has an amazing selection of hotels and accommodations right here in Malaysia. And with our Price Guarantee you can be confident that you'll be taking advantage of the cheapest rates available.
We understand that sometimes you need to change your travel plans. Unlike some other travel sites, we won't penalise you for making these changes. There are NO Expedia change or cancel fees on hotels. Whatever your destination, whenever you want to travel, Expedia has the right solution for your needs!


About Us

Last Revised on January 22, 2019

Expedia is one of the fastest growing online travel portals in Asia, offering travellers an extensive selection of hotels, activities and travel services to meet every budget and activities of every kind at competitive rates. With over hundreds of thousands of hotel partners worldwide and a comprehensive offering of flight inventory made available on the website, travellers can book everything they need for a holiday - rooms to meet every budget, activities of every kind and travel services to complement.

This website is operated by BEX Travel Asia Pte. Ltd., (“BEX Travel”), a Singapore entity (UEN 201113337M), with its registered address at 8 Marina Boulevard #05-02, Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 1, Singapore 018981. BEX Travel is part of the Expedia Group of companies.

BEX Travel is licensed under the Travel Agents Act of Singapore (Cap. 334) under license number 02420.

BEX Travel Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia Travel Licence No. KPK 8269, Suite 6-04A, Level 6, The Pinnacle, Persiaran Lagoon, Bandar Sunway, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

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BEX Travel Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Malaysia Travel License No. KPK 8269, Suite 6-04A, Level 6, The Pinnacle, Persiaran Lagoon, Bandar Sunway, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.